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A poem for my Malaysia

This poem is written in Malay Language, my homeland's national language. It is written in the spirit of the celebration of Malaysia's 62nd Independence Day. It is not meant to condemn or based on any specific ethnicity, or person. It is purely from the heart and mind of mine for the love of my birth country, a moment simply for my homeland.

Sejenak untukmu

Aku bukan bukan Melayu
kerana aku cukup Melayu,
cukup Cina, cukup India,
dan cukup lain-lain kaum.
Aku anak Malaysia.

Aku bukan bukan Melayu
kerana aku atuh pada rukun.
Rukun aku rukun negara.
Usah disindir kepercayaanku
kerana aku bukan calang-calang orang.
Aku anak Malaysia.

Aku bukan bukan Melayu.
Aku tahu Melayu, aku hormati Melayu,
dan aku cintai Melayu
kerana aku anak Malaysia.

Aku bukan anak India.

Bahasa ibuku Tamil, 
kampungku pekan Melayu,
sekolah rendahku sekolah Cina.
Kerjaku merantau dunia.

Kini sudah dekad lamanya
aku dikota London,
tetapi bahasa ratu
tidak menodai Bahasa Malaysiaku,
kerana aku bukan bukan Melayu.

Taat dan setia tiada sempadan,
Perpaduan kita menolak permusuhan.
Adat kita disulami akal bijak.
sehingga kita terus mencipta kiasan.

Aku diajar bersabar,
usah kau terkial-kial dengan teriakan,
kerana ini bukan  kialan
bersandarkan kaum.
Sulap tali, tegang lurus;
Silap bahasa, tegang tekak.
Aku bukan bukan Melayu.

Ayuh, eratkan tangan yang bersalam,
kerana kita sudah lama merdeka.
Malaysia bukan muda,
tidak mudah dikongkong.
Undur si kamu yang tamak-haloba,
mahu pun yang rakus kuasa,
kerana kami semua sama.

Kami sudah diajar lama.
Kami faham, 
Kami akur dan tulus;
bertolak-ansur dan bersatu,
dan sayang satu sama lain;
semuanya kerana Malaysia.

Malaysia cantik,
Dia ibu pertiwi.
Dia adil dan saksama.
Dia bijak.
Dia sudah lama mengajar kami erti perpaduan.

Aku, awak dan dia sama.
Lain rupa dan lain warna,
tetapi satu hati dan satu jiwa
kerana kita anak Malaysia-
sudah lama dijalur Gemilang.

Kita bukan bukan Melayu
Kita sudah cukup Melayu, cukup Cina
cukup India dan cukup lain-lain kaum.
Kita bangsa Malaysia.

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

Nukilan Teynmoli Subramaniam

As a writer who writes and speaks in many languages, I  do not translate my poems written in one particular language because the language that I chose to use is the interpretation of my thoughts and emotions at that particular moment. Translation would not justify the connotation of it. However, in this occasion, upon the request of many I dedicate below translated version of my above poem titled '' A moment for you".


I am not a non-Malay
because I am Malay enough,
Chinese enough. Indian enough and other races enough.
I am Malaysian.

I am not a non-Malay
because I obey the principles.
My principles are the National Principles.
Do not tease my believes
because I am not just anybody,
I am Malaysian.

I am not a non-Malay,
I know Malay,I respect the Malays,
and I love the Malays,
because I am Malaysian.

I am not an Indian.

My mother tongue is Tamil,
My hometown is a Malay town.
My primary school is a Chinese school,
and my job is to travel around the world.

It has been a decade long
since I am in London,
the Queen's language
did not intimidate my Malay
because I am not a non-Malay.

Loyalty and faithfulness,have no boundaries.
Our unity rejects animosity,
Our culture is bound by clever minds
until we continue to create examples.

I have been taught to be patient,
so don't you gesture by shouting,
because this is not a play
based on races.
Magic rope tricks, stretches the rope straight;
Wrong language will stretch your throat.
I am not a non-Malay.

Come! Tighten the handshakes,
because we have long been an independent country.
Malaysia is not young,
she is not easily controlled.
Go away you who are selfish,
 or those who are power greedy,
because we are all same.

We have been taught long,
we understand,
we obey and sincere,
We give and take and stay united.
We love each other
all because of you, Malaysia.

Malaysia is beautiful.
She is my mother nation.
She is equal and just.
She is clever.
She has taught us the meaning of unity.

You, she and I are same,
different looks and different colour
but we are of one heart and one soul
because we are Malaysian
and has long been on the line of fame.

We are not non-Malay,
We are Malay enough, Chinese enough,
Indian enough and other races anough.
We are Malaysians.


Vijay Kali Dass said…
Feeling patriotic Teynmoli. Beautiful piece of work
DivyaN said…
Very beautifully written, the unity that we have should never be shaken by politics. Salam Merdeka!!!����
Unknown said…
Sungguh bersemangat. Walaupun dia rantau orang, bahasa kamu masih berjiwa dan ini menujukkan cinta pada Malaysia. Merdeka Merdeka merdeka. 👌👌👌👌
Susilan said…
Wow,great patriotic poem.. The love for your country although miles away from home.
Unknown said…
Wow 😍❤️🇲🇾 Super akka🙌🔥❤️💯
Rosman Fitri said…
Sungguh indah bait2 sajak mu itu sahabatky teymoli. Semoga kita dan generasi akan datang hidup bersama saling hormat menghormati. Tahniah lagi sekali!! MERDEKA!!
CD said…
Beautiful Molly! Touched by the power of your words.
Din Nazir
Anonymous said…
relevant and relatable
Cyber Normad said…
நன்றாகவே இருக்கின்றது. வாழ்த்துக்கள் !
Wishnu. said…
Beautifully written....salute
Wishnu. said…
Beautifully written 👏 ❤

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